标签: Exchange


1、安装exchangelib库 pip3 install exchangelib 2、引入模块 exchangelib模块挺多的,其中Account, Credentials用来连接邮箱的,其他的根据你自身……

在云中的Microsoft Exchange:4个迁移技巧

在云中的Microsoft Exchange:4个迁移技巧 作者:周雪峰 译 2010-08-12 09:45:05 云计算 越来越多的公司正在把e-mail迁移到云中,不仅仅是一些小公司,很多大……

ORA-64118: XMLIndex Exchange Partition: incompatible unstructured components ORACLE 报错 故障修复 远程处理

文档解释 ORA-64118: XMLIndex Exchange Partition: incompatible unstructured components Cause: One of the XMLIndexes had no unstructured component. Ac……

ORA-64117: XMLIndex Exchange Partition: incompatible modes for asynchronous DML ORACLE 报错 故障修复 远程处理

文档解释 ORA-64117: XMLIndex Exchange Partition: incompatible modes for asynchronous DML Cause: The XMLIndexes on the two tables had different defer……

ORA-64115: XMLIndex Exchange Partition: the table has no XMLIndex ORACLE 报错 故障修复 远程处理

文档解释 ORA-64115: XMLIndex Exchange Partition: the table has no XMLIndex Cause: The non-partitioned table had no XMLIndex. Action: None ORA-64115……

ORA-64116: XMLIndex Exchange Partition: incompatible XPath subsets ORACLE 报错 故障修复 远程处理

文档解释 ORA-64116: XMLIndex Exchange Partition: incompatible XPath subsets Cause: The XMLIndexes on the two tables had different path subsets. Acti……

ORA-64120: XMLIndex Exchange Partition: incompatible structured components ORACLE 报错 故障修复 远程处理

文档解释 ORA-64120: XMLIndex Exchange Partition: incompatible structured components Cause: The XMLIndexes had different structured components. Actio……

ORA-64119: XMLIndex Exchange Partition: incompatible structured components ORACLE 报错 故障修复 远程处理

文档解释 ORA-64119: XMLIndex Exchange Partition: incompatible structured components Cause: One of the XMLIndexes had no structured component. Action……