标签: execution

ORA-15742: specified execution name “string” is not a valid COMPARE_PERFORMANCE execution for SQL Performance Analyzer task “string”. ORACLE 报错 故障修复 远程处理

文档解释 ORA-15742: specified execution name “string” is not a valid COMPARE_PERFORMANCE execution for SQL Performance Analyzer task “string”. Cause……

ORA-29951: warning in the execution of ODCIINDEXSPLITPARTITION routine ORACLE 报错 故障修复 远程处理

文档解释 ORA-29951: warning in the execution of ODCIINDEXSPLITPARTITION routine Cause: A warning was returned from the ODCIIndexSplitPartition routi……

ORA-29878: warning in the execution of ODCIINDEXTRUNCATE routine ORACLE 报错 故障修复 远程处理

文档解释 ORA-29878: warning in the execution of ODCIINDEXTRUNCATE routine Cause: A warning was returned from the ODCIIndexTruncate routine. Action: ……

ORA-29876: failed in the execution of the ODCIINDEXDELETE routine ORACLE 报错 故障修复 远程处理

文档解释 ORA-29876: failed in the execution of the ODCIINDEXDELETE routine Cause: Failed to successfully execute the ODCIIndexDelete routine. Action……

PostgreSQL HV00L: fdw_unable_to_create_execution 报错 故障修复 远程处理

文档解释 HV00L: fdw_unable_to_create_execution 错误说明 FDW_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_EXECUTION(“无法创建执行)是PostgreSQL错误代码当客户端想要从外部数据源……

ORA-29955: error occurred in the execution of ODCIINDEXEXCHANGEPARTITION routine ORACLE 报错 故障修复 远程处理

文档解释 ORA-29955: error occurred in the execution of ODCIINDEXEXCHANGEPARTITION routine Cause: Failed to successfully execute the ODCIIndexExchang……

MySQL Error number: MY-011625; Symbol: ER_GRP_RPL_UNABLE_TO_ENSURE_EXECUTION_REC; SQLSTATE: HY000 报错 故障修复 远程处理

文档解释 Error number: MY-011625; Symbol: ER_GRP_RPL_UNABLE_TO_ENSURE_EXECUTION_REC; SQLSTATE: HY000 Message: Unable to ensure the execution of grou……

ORA-29855: error occurred in the execution of ODCIINDEXCREATE routine ORACLE 报错 故障修复 远程处理

文档解释 ORA-29855: error occurred in the execution of ODCIINDEXCREATE routine Cause: Failed to successfully execute the ODCIIndexCreate routine. Ac……

ORA-29950: warning in the execution of ODCIINDEXMERGEPARTITION routine ORACLE 报错 故障修复 远程处理

文档解释 ORA-29950: warning in the execution of ODCIINDEXMERGEPARTITION routine Cause: A warning was returned from the ODCIIndexMergePartition routi……

ORA-26522: rpc execution error ORACLE 报错 故障修复 远程处理

文档解释 ORA-26522: rpc execution error Cause: An error occurred during the execution of a PL/SQL rpc. Action: Check the error messages from the rem……